2º Transfer USDC from Binance to your MetaMask wallet
If you purchased USDC from MetaMask, you can skip this step.
Last updated
If you purchased USDC from MetaMask, you can skip this step.
Last updated
Once you have purchased USDC on Binance you have to send it to your MetaMask wallet in order to invest in Growi.HF.
1) First, click on “Deposit” and then on “Deposit crypto”.
2) In this screen, change to "Withdraw crypto"
3) Select USDC as the currency and enter the address of your MetaMask wallet. You can easily find your MetaMask address at the top of the MetaMask window.
4) Next, select the Arbitrum network and enter the amount of USDC you want to send to your MetaMask wallet (usually the full amount you’ve purchased), then click "Withdraw".
You will receive your USDC in your MetaMask wallet.